How to decode a result with a list of DU?
Closed this issue · 3 comments
I am trying to implement a Command/Event system via Giraffe. The command is a 'turnon 1' and works fine, the result is a Result<Event list, Error>. The json looks like
"sessionId": "378cb85c-3aa7-4016-acfe-c371f0b61898"
What I've tried so far:
type TurnedOnEvent =
sessionId: Guid
static member decode =
Decode.field "sessionId" Decode.guid |> (fun x -> { sessionId = x })
static member encode (turnOff: TurnedOnEvent) =
Encode.object [
"sessionId", Encode.guid turnOff.sessionId
type PosEvent =
| TurnedOnEvent of TurnedOnEvent
module PosEvent =
let decodeTurnedOnEvent =
Decode.field "TurnedOnEvent" TurnedOnEvent.decode |> TurnedOnEvent
let decoder: Decoder<PosEvent> =
Decode.oneOf [
decodeTurnedOnEvent //; decodeTurnedOffEvent
let encoder (event: PosEvent) =
match event with
| TurnedOnEvent turnOn ->
TurnedOnEvent.encode turnOn
module PosError =
type ErrorCode =
| SessionNotFound
| TerminalNotFound
type Error = {
Code: ErrorCode
Msg: string
But how can I use these decoders with the Result decoder and then with the list? Is it enough to declare them as extra decoders, oder do I call them manually?
let decoder: Decoder<Result<PosEvent, PosError.Error>> =
|> Decode.andThen (function
| "Ok" ->
? Decode.object PosEvent.decodeTurnedOnEvent |> (Ok(TurnedOnEvent))
| "Error" ->
? Decode.Auto.fromString x
| _ -> "Syntax error in string")
Something like this, or is this the wrong way? Or would it be bad practice at all?
Hello @Slesa,
The problem with your current decoders is that you are trying to access a field TurnedOnEvent
(Decode.field "TurnedOnEvent"
) when your JSON is not using an object but a list where the first element is the name of the DU and the second is the actual value.
Examples on how to decode such DUs can be found here in the documentation.
Here is an example of how to work with your JSON:
open Fable.Core
open System
open Thoth.Json
let json =
"sessionId": "378cb85c-3aa7-4016-acfe-c371f0b61898"
type TurnedOnEvent =
sessionId: Guid
module TurnedOnEvent =
let decoder : Decoder<TurnedOnEvent> =
Decode.object (fun get ->
sessionId = get.Required.Field "sessionId" Decode.guid
type PosEvent =
| TurnedOnEvent of TurnedOnEvent
module PosEvent =
let decoder : Decoder<PosEvent> =
Decode.index 0 Decode.string
|> Decode.andThen (function
| "TurnedOnEvent" ->
Decode.index 1 TurnedOnEvent.decoder
|> TurnedOnEvent
| unknown ->
sprintf "Unknown type for PosEvent : '%s'" unknown
module Envelop =
let decoder : Decoder<Result<PosEvent list, string>> =
Decode.index 0 Decode.string
|> Decode.andThen (function
| "Ok" ->
Decode.index 1 (Decode.list PosEvent.decoder)
|> Ok
| _ ->
Decode.succeed "Invalid envelop"
|> Error
match Decode.unsafeFromString Envelop.decoder json with
| Ok data ->
printfn "Numbers of events: %d" data.Length
| Error error ->
failwith error
Thanks a lot. Yes, I ignored the list as I had absolutely no idea how to concatenate all decoders, Envelope - List - DU.
I am closing as I think the issue has been answered.
If you need something else feel free to comment