
New minor release

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hey, Kebechet!

Create a new minor release, please.


  • If Khebut GitHub App Bot is installed, this issue will trigger a minor release. The bot will open a Pull Request to update the CHANGELOG, fix the opened issue and create a tag.

  • Only users that are allowed to release (a.k.a. maintainers specified in the .thoth.yaml file) can open the issue, otherwise bot will reject them, commenting and closing the issue. If AICoE CI GitHub App is installed, once the pull request is merged and a new tag is created by the bot, the pipeline to build and push image starts.

Sorry, @mayaCostantini but you are not stated in maintainers section for this project. Maintainers are @codificat, @fridex, @harshad16, @KPostOffice, @pacospace, @sefkhet-abwy, @sesheta