
Metrics giving decimal format result

rishavsharma9802 opened this issue · 2 comments

So this metrics aws_available_ips_per_subnet_used_total is gving results in decimal format

pod="aws-quota-checker" 0.005859375

this is decimal values we are getting when we are using the above metric

Hello @kungfupanda792 this is fixed in v1.2 as part of #14. Which version of the aws-service-quotas-exporter are you using?

I can confirm that's been fixed in v1.2. So simply upgrading to that version will resolve your issue. Thanks for submitting a GitHub issue!

Here is an example response for both:

aws_available_ips_per_subnet_used_total{region="eu-west-1",resource="subnet-03f6e727438a1b1c9"} 7959
aws_available_ips_per_subnet_limit_total{region="eu-west-1",resource="subnet-03f6e727438a1b1c9"} 8192