
Status code 0 when injecting javascript file to be loaded over HTTPS

yrral86 opened this issue · 1 comments

In our test environment, we inject a javascript file into the page to provide us with some extra support code. This works great when I run the application locally without SSL. However, when attempting to do the same with the application deployed to the test environment, the debug output reports a status code of 0 when trying to fetch the file over HTTPS. The server logs do not show any request. I tried to use wireshark, and I see a certification negotiation, but couldn't glean anything else from the capture since the payloads are encrypted. The server certificate is self signed, but I have set the ignore_ssl_errors option. I will start digging into the code, but any pointers on where to look would be appreciated.

screen shot 2018-03-02 at 12 05 09 pm

@yrral86 Could this be related in any way? roidrage/lograge#67