
restore-from fails

dbinetti opened this issue · 6 comments

Help us track down and resolve parity problems faster with this template.

What command did you execute?

(barberscore-api)bash-3.2$ development restore-from production

What did you expect to happen?

Restore from backup

What actually happened?

(barberscore-api)bash-3.2$ development restore-from production
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 59.1M  100 59.1M    0     0  5412k      0  0:00:11  0:00:11 --:--:-- 9602k
pg_restore: [archiver] unsupported version (1.13) in file header

Some information about your installation

  • What's your operating system?
    macOS Sierra 10.13.3

  • What's the output of which development, which staging, which production?
    Parity has had multiple installation channels, and it's not uncommon for an
    old version to be somewhere else in your path.

(barberscore-api)bash-3.2$ which development
(barberscore-api)bash-3.2$ which staging
(barberscore-api)bash-3.2$ which production
  • If installed via Homebrew, what does brew list parity output?
(barberscore-api)bash-3.2$ brew list parity
/usr/local/Cellar/parity/2.4.0/lib/parity/ (5 files)
  • If installed via Rubygems, what's the gem version?


I should also mention it has been working flawlessly; I've only been updating application code so I'm not sure what's causing it to fail. Local Postgres and Heroku Postgres both 10.2

me too

I'm seeing this as well. We saw some automated backups outside of Heroku (not using Parity) fail for a similar reason. I'm not sure what the issue is, but I suspect this is a bigger problem. I'm going to try executing the commands for download and restore separately, if you could all do the same that would be helpful.

Hi, the issue seems to be that Heroku did an upgrade for a vulnerable patch version of PG 9.6.x. You need to update your local PG version to 9.6.8 or 10.3.x to resolve the issue.

now functional again. not sure what changed, but perhaps was on the Heroku side. regardless, working and closing.