
Error: No available formula with the name "homebrew/core/heroku" (dependency of thoughtbot/formulae/parity)

joshRpowell opened this issue · 2 comments

Help us track down and resolve parity problems faster with this template.

What command did you execute?

brew reinstall parity

What did you expect to happen?

A clean install

What actually happened?

homebrew/core/heroku was deleted from homebrew/core in commit f3c308ab5:
  heroku: remove formula.

Parity depends on heroku-toolbelt

1 zsh 2018-10-22 13-41-14

This is the Homebrew PR where this formula was removed Homebrew/homebrew-core#33233

Some information about your installation

  • What's your operating system?
    • macOS 10.14
  • What's the output of which development, which staging, which production?
    Parity has had multiple installation channels, and it's not uncommon for an
    old version to be somewhere else in your path.
    • nothing
  • If installed via Homebrew, what does brew list parity output?
    • nothing
  • If installed via Rubygems, what's the gem version?

not sure how I missed this PR thoughtbot/homebrew-formulae#53

it should resolve this issue.

I'm closing this on the assumption that the linked issue sorted it out, please reopen if not.