
Feature need: handle new Heroku pipeline review app convention

geoffharcourt opened this issue · 2 comments

Heroku's new review apps system no longer names review applications with the same number as the Github PR in a predictable manner. From my conversations with their support team there's no way we can easily run a PR app without knowing the app suffix or for us to also connect to the Github API.

We're currently getting around some of this with a custom app we built that connects to Heroku's API and Github's and links the things together by branch name, but for CLI use I think the best approach would be this:

  • start from the branch connected to the pull request
  • type pr_app run rake middleware or whatever you want to do
  • parity hits the Heroku and maybe GH APIs to route to the right spot

Heroku's added the ability to go back to your own PR app names based on PR numbers now, so this is less necessary.