unable to format/erase a Hi-MD discs with HI-MD units when in HI-MD mode.
DaveFlashNL opened this issue · 2 comments
as per title, application in it's current form doesn't allow you to format an HI-MD to be blank again, in one go.
Per track deletions are still possible tho, but it could be handy and faster yo just format or erase an entire disc in one go when in HI-MD mode for any given disc. Perhaps also consider adding the option to switch discs modes for non-HI-MD 1GB media, to reformat a disc as normal MD (only for 60, 74 and 80 minute minidiscs) from HI-MD mode and TO Hi-MD from MD mode discs. (as a convenience to the user)
There's some code here by @mkarcher:
It seems to be Linux-specific, though (and I haven't tested it).
A quick google search reveals this for macOS (last updated 2005):
There is also these API docs linked from above:
Per track deletions are still possible tho
As far as I'm aware, track deletion is not yet implemented in either libhimd, himdcli or QHiMDTransfer.