
Shift JIS decoding error

Closed this issue · 4 comments

THTK version: 12

The ECL compiler will generate error messages during processing a Shift JIS character '能' (0x945c in Shift JIS)
Here is the error messages:

st06bs.decl:806,0: unterminated string
st06bs.decl:806,0: syntax error, unexpected end of file

Here are the lines in st06bs.decl:

ins_537(60, 3300, 0, "能");
ins_401(60, 4, 0.0f, 128.0f);

It may be caused by multibyte character decoding.

Which text editor are you using? Make sure the text files is encoded to shift-jis.

Workaround: use escape sequences :-)

Oh wait, 5Ch is \, lol...

There are three ways to fix this

  1. somehow use mblen to ignore multi-byte sequences in strings
  2. same as 1, but roll our own mblen that doesn't depend on the libc locale.
  3. add a special flag to do utf-8 <-> shift-jis conversions after then strings are read

Only the last option makes sense to me.