
Some suggestions

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Thanks to open source this project which is what I am looking for.

After running with it, could you please add features, such as:

  • outputs if required.

I understand it runs with Circle CI or other CI/CD pipelines, but without any outputs, except the serverless stack name, will be too less information for me .

  • How to custom the processes?

I need add more steps between sls deploy, for example, I need:

install local module to these serverless stacks.

npm install ../lib/abc-1.0.0.tgz
sls deploy

I add these steps in package.json, and run as npm run deploy instead of sls deploy, how to custom in serviceless to do that?

second, I need insert some datas to dynamodb as well. So I need a wrapper before sls deploy.

  • I don't know how to run it with --stage option or other serverless options. Any hints for me?

thanks for the feedback @ozbillwang ๐Ÿ˜€

  • output if required
    it's very good point, and I will definitely try to address it in future releases.

  • how to custom processes?
    There're several options:

  1. Customize deploy command
  2. Add mechanism to specify deployment hooks
  3. use smth like
  • I don't know how to run it with --stage option or other serverless options. Any hints for me?
    Everything that you pass to deploy command will be propagated to sls, e.g.
    slx deploy all --stage prod will deploy everything for the prod stage.
    I'll update docs accordingly ๐Ÿ˜€