
Update CU/SU and TFT pricing on Explorer

Closed this issue · 5 comments

pls update the pricing for CU/SU in the Explorer to EUR 10 for CU and EUR 8 for SU. Use USD 0.5 TFT price to calculate the amount of TFT for CU/SU. Exchange rate usd2eur: 1.18

for more details see:

pls add the link to on the explorer gui as 'Current Capacity Pricing'

@andhartl do you mean TFT is 0.5 USD or 0.05 ?

mean 0.05 USD TFT price. Sorry for the typo

please point to the code and tell Kristof, so people in field can see which pricing we use

We also added the prices to the explorer UI but still not updated yet