
Couldn't publish glamor-utils

donaldpipowitch opened this issue · 4 comments

ERROR in ./src/index.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'glamor' in '/Users/philippzins/Workspace/glamor/packages/glamor-utils/src'
 @ ./src/index.js 7:0-46

Attempting to retry publishing glamor-utils...
Error: Command failed: cd /Users/philippzins/Workspace/glamor/packages/glamor-utils && npm publish --tag lerna-temp

Perhaps you need to run lerna bootstrap?

Maybe. Could try it again later. We call lerna bootstrap in our postinstall hook. It should have worked or I could have not published any other package.

@donaldpipowitch We can probably remove some of the scripts in any case. I'm not having trouble running prepublish locally so not sure what the issue is.

Looks like glamor-utils was published. No idea what this error was about. I'll close it.

@ChristopherBiscardi Yeah, scripts should be cleaned up. I guess we can do that while we introduce TypeScript as we have to update the build config in this step anyway.