
Missing d.ts entries for plugins & speedy

Closed this issue · 4 comments

The plugins and associated add method isn't in the d.ts, need it for supporting custom plugins:

import { plugins } from 'glamor';

I could fix if needed, but sounds like from #229 that the project is planning to move to TypeScript. Need help? (any ETA on the TypeScript conversion?)

We're evaluating using glamor in a number of projects here, having strong reliable type safety is super useful.

Good to know, thanks. Yeah, we want to move the code base to TypeScript 👍 I hope I find some time soon to start this.

Also same for speedy:

import { speedy } from 'glamor';

Regarding TypeScript conversation: #242 (comment)

I'll accept a PR for the d.ts file. closing this for age, feel free to reopen if you have something to share. thanks!