
Autoprefixer doesn't handle selectors

Closed this issue · 5 comments

pluma commented

Most browsers don't support the standard :fullscreen pseudoclass yet, so I thought the prefixer would automatically generate the relevant variants (like -webkit-full-screen) but it turns out that it only handles properties, not selectors.

As far as I can tell, implementing this would require duplicating the styles because browsers ignore selectors if they contain any unknown parts (like the vendor prefixed pseudoclasses for other browsers) even when there's more than one of them.

Are there any plans to support selector prefixing?

we already do this manually for :placeholder, I would consider one for :fullscreen too. as a workaround, you could do this manually for now?

Do you have a handy list of selectors that need to be prefixed?

pluma commented

:fullscreen and its variants were the only ones I've run into. It's possible to work around but it's a bit ugly because the styles need to be duplicated for each variant. Thanks for looking into this.

this should work in 2.20.27. feel free to reopen if it doesn't.

pluma commented

Awesome, thanks!