
Can't use calc() in keyframes

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Looks like keyframes don't like calc()?

I have something like this:

const pulse = css.keyframes({
	'0%': { borderRadius: 'calc(50% + 10px)' },
	'10%': { borderRadius: 'calc(50% + 20px)' },
	'50%': { borderRadius: 'calc(50% + 30px)' },
	'80%': { borderRadius: 'calc(50% + 20px)' },
	'100%': { borderRadius: 'calc(50% + 10px)' }

if I take out calc and add a static value it works great. With calc no errors but no keyframe. Thanks love glamor btw great job.

this should work in 2.20.27. feel free to reopen if it doesn't.