
Typescript compiling issues

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I updated to glamor 3.0.0-2 and my typescript compiler is complaining about line 23 in index.d.ts
export { insertRule, insertGlobal, keyframes, fontFace };
with error TS2304: Cannot find name 'insertRule'

Strange. I can verify this. Seems like the declarations are broken. It looks like I always tested the real TypeScript files instead of the declarations before. (I used a webpack setup which also compiles dependencies, so I always imported src/index.ts (symlinked for development) instead of lib/src/index.d.ts.) Maybe this is actually a bug inside TypeScript when declarations are generated. I'll need to look into that.

I reported this bug and will make a quick fix: microsoft/TypeScript#17085

Should be fixed with glamor@3.0.0-3. :)