
"other" frameworks

threepointone opened this issue · 5 comments

frameworks that use jsx/virtual dom should be able to use this out of the box. however, not sure how to apply these data attributes in angular/ember templates. keeping this issue open to investigate; please help/contribute!

jade was simple; they have an &attributes(object) operator that spreads the object onto the element's attributes.
screen shot 2016-07-24 at 1 50 49 am

Angular JS comes with ng-attr-* and ng-class. So usage is something like

<div class="text-center" ng-class="{'text-danger': someBoolValue}">Foobar</div>

which would apply the text-danger class if someBoolValue is true


ps: Hope this is what you were looking for. I'm slightly new to frontend stuff, so might be wrong

I think for libraries and frameworks that don't use a virtual dom, then there will always be an integration step to sync the changes.

For libraries that don't use JSX, but do use a virtual DOM you can possibly just use Object.assign().

For example, Skate uses Incremental DOM and JSX is optional. So you can either:

<div {{}) } someattr="test" />


skate.vdom.element('div', Object.assign({}, style({}), { someattr: 'test' }));

couldn't figure out ember or angular templates. closing this issue, I think the main ones are covered.

fyi - ember/angular templates can use classname support now, so this is simpler