
Some notes

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hey man, this looks spectacular and I'll probably use it. Just thought I'd note a few things that I noticed:

In the it says

add 'markdown-in-js/lib/babel' to the plugins field of your babel config

But in src/index.js the error you're throwing says:

you forgot to add 'markdown-in-js/babel' to your babel plugins

I think that the README is correct, but I'm not sure so I thought I'd bring it up 😄

Also, I noticed that in your example here you have:

import markdown from '../src' // so the linter won't complain

Which makes sense, I imagine that this isn't required at all by the plugin, but I'll bet that others may want to do the same and be unsure of what to do. Perhaps in the README we could mention that in the usage?

Good catches, I missed it when making the initial release and moving stuff around. I also might end up needing to import a function anyway, to do stuff like custom components etc. I'll get the changes into the README soon.

Thanks again for building awesome stuff :)

The feeling's mutual!

fixed in a130f43, closing.

heads up, the import is now mandatory, and we now have support for custom components.