why the @memory.free it not equal the free command result?
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Hi, i run free on ubuntu, it's report the free memory is 291M. but vmstat report it 72.046M, is it problem?
free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 3953 3661 291 0 435 874
-/+ buffers/cache: 2351 1602
Swap: 4093 505 3588
2.0.0-p353 :001 > require 'vmstat'
=> true
2.0.0-p353 :002 > Vmstat.snapshot
=> #<Vmstat::Snapshot:0x00000002416f98 @at=2014-04-25 10:54:43 +0800, @boot_time=2014-03-21 18:20:31 +0800, @cpus=[#<struct Vmstat::Cpu num=0, user=1505724, system=428605, nice=18475, idle=296399959>, #<struct Vmstat::Cpu num=1, user=1408257, system=367915, nice=11805, idle=296995241>, #<struct Vmstat::Cpu num=2, user=1241444, system=317692, nice=14167, idle=297237353>, #<struct Vmstat::Cpu num=3, user=1349585, system=342413, nice=10496, idle=297150395>], @disks=[#<struct Vmstat::LinuxDisk type=:ext4, origin="/", mount="/", block_size=4096, free_blocks=245113613, available_blocks=231740186, total_blocks=263158381>], @load_average=#<struct Vmstat::LoadAverage one_minute=0.02, five_minutes=0.05, fifteen_minutes=0.05>, @memory=#<struct Vmstat::Memory pagesize=4096, wired=221782, active=375840, inactive=342435, free=72046, pageins=58366033, pageouts=167523232>, @network_interfaces=[#<struct Vmstat::NetworkInterface name=:eth0, in_bytes=18760131266, in_errors=0, in_drops=988, out_bytes=11677543487, out_errors=0, type=6>, #<struct Vmstat::NetworkInterface name=:lo, in_bytes=8794265684, in_errors=0, in_drops=0, out_bytes=8794265684, out_errors=0, type=24>], @task=#<struct Vmstat::Task virtual_size=12986, resident_size=3403, user_time_ms=18000, system_time_ms=4000>>
2.0.0-p353 :003 > Vmstat.memory.free
=> 72046
Free counts different. The ruby method returns the real numbers as returned by the OS. Like:
Vmstat.snapshot.memory #=> #<struct Vmstat::Memory pagesize=4096, wired=127899, active=460135, inactive=370650, free=39356, pageins=233111829, pageouts=74733982>
The program free
counts simplified. Look at the number inactive
. Maybe you want inactive + free = free
and wired + active = used
I've run into a similar issue. Is there a way to calculate the amount of memory available to the processes including SWAP?
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 65950944 53662188 12288756 643036 1732784 34322936
-/+ buffers/cache: 17606468 48344476
Swap: 0 0 0
For example, I'd like to get the 48344476
number as reported by free
-- not sure how SWAP figures into this, as I haven't got any, but I'd like for it to be included.
Also, may I suggest adding some helper methods to handle those common calculations?
As I said earlier in the thread:
The program free counts simplified. Look at the number inactive. Maybe you want inactive + free = free and wired + active = used.
The program free is not on all OSs, in fact i think it is only on linux. I would not like to add OS specific calculations, that might be meaningless on other OSs.
That's fair enough, although I don't think that you can get the available memory from the exposed data due to the kernel buffers/cache -- which is technically in use, but can be reallocated to whatever needs it.