
This is the source code for our paper "Enhancing Single-Frame Supervision for Better Temporal Action Localization."

Install environment

Option 1: Docker

The easiest way to install a environment to run the demo is to use docker. The image chencjgene/actlocalizer-run:latest contains the source codes and data, and have the dependencies installed. You can pull and run the image by:

$ docker pull chencjgene/actlocalizer-run:latest
$ docker run -it chencjgene/actlocalizer-run:latest

Option 2: Install with python and node.js

  1. This project uses python 3.8. Go check it out if you don't have it installed.

  2. install python package.

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install torch
  1. install nodejs package: check under vis for more details.


Make sure the ports 30221 and 20222 are not used.

  1. Download the repo (The repo is in /root/ActLocalizer/ if you use docker).

  2. run backend. If you want to change the port 30221, please change the setting in vis/src/store/index.js accordingly.

python run 30221
  1. run frontend: check under vis for more details.


If you have any problem about this code, feel free to contact

or describe your problem in Issues.