
Issue running lmf on mosi with default params

EjbejaranosAI opened this issue · 2 comments

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/sharing/disk3/Datasets/MMSA-Standard/MOSI/Processed/unaligned_50.pkl'


你好,根据反馈的错误,这是没有找到数据集文件导致的;需先下载数据集文件, 已提供;然后修改config_regression.json配置,将datasetCommonParams.dataset_root_dir和datasetCommonParams.mosi.unaligned.featurePath中的文件路径更改成您本地的数据集文件即可。
Hello, according to the reported error, it seems that the dataset files are missing. To resolve this, please download the dataset files provided and make the following modifications in the config_regression.json configuration file:

  1. Update the datasetCommonParams.dataset_root_dir parameter with the file path to your local dataset.
  2. Modify the datasetCommonParams.mosi.unaligned.featurePath parameter with the file path to your local dataset file.

By making these changes, you should be able to resolve the issue.

Hello, according to the reported error, it seems that the dataset files are missing. To resolve this, please download the dataset files provided and make the following modifications in the config_regression.json configuration file:

  1. Update the datasetCommonParams.dataset_root_dir parameter with the file path to your local dataset.
  2. Modify the datasetCommonParams.mosi.unaligned.featurePath parameter with the file path to your local dataset file.

By making these changes, you should be able to resolve the issue.