
Why the results of PatchTST in iTransformer paper are worse than those in PatchTST paper?

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I reproduced the results of iTransformer, thank you for the clear and robust code! I also reproduced the results of PatchTST in the original paper(using the official repo), but I found that in iTransformer paper, PatchTST results are worse than those in the original paper, is it because that you reduce the input length of PatchTST from 336/512 to 96?

Take dataset Weather as an example:
PatchTST in iTransformer paper(Table10):

PatchTST in original paper(Table 3):

Hello, we follow the long-term forecasting setting of Informer and Autoformer, where the lookback length is fixed and never tuned.

For more details, you may look at the difference in Look-Back-96 and Look-Back-Searching settings in:

Thanks for your reply! It helps.