
With post swiping disabled, you should be able to swipe from the center of the screen to open the sidebar

Opened this issue · 4 comments

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I'm annoyed that I can't open the sidebar easily with a case, because you can't swipe from the posts to open the sidebar, only from the edge of the screen

Feature Description

A toggle when post swiping is disabled to make it so that you can easily open the sidebar

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If you implement this, please make it optional. The reason I disabled all swiping is because I trigger it by accident all the time since my finger naturally scrolls a bit diagonally. I do not want to start opening the sidebar by accident all the time!

Related to #198 and possibly dup of #602.

Thanks for the report! There is already an alternative way of opening the sidebar without having to tap on the hamburger menu at the top. Let me know if this is a suitable alternative!

You can do a swipe on the bottom navigation bar (left to right swipe) to trigger the sidebar to open. I believe this option is already enabled by default but if it's not, you can enable it from the Settings -> Gestures -> Sidebar.


That doesn't work well for me for two reasons:

  1. It's possible to accidentally cause a gesture because the bottom bar is so small
  2. I intend to use the auto-hide the bottom bar feature in the future, once that is implemented swiping on the bottom bar won't be very doable.