
Customize Swipe Gesture Colours

Closed this issue · 2 comments

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Feature Description

There should be a way to customize the colours of the different swipe gestures (upvote/downvote/save/etc). We can do this in a way that is similar to the divider customization (dropdown menu).

The customization should be within the Gestures settings page alongside customization of the swipe actions.

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Original request:

Just a thought here: how about allowing the customization of action colors across the board? This could be in the theming section and we could have a customizable color for upvote, downvote, save, etc. It would apply to the swipe gestures, but it would also apply anywhere that the color is displayed on buttons and icons. Thoughts?

If so, that could be partly covered by #25.

how about allowing the customization of action colors across the board?

I think that makes a lot of sense! I noticed you made a PR for this so I'll take a look at it in a bit