
Comment text area stops accepting taps after formatting

Opened this issue ยท 5 comments

Bug Description

Sometimes, when writing a markdown text, input area blinks grey and stops accepting taps, making it impossible to open a keyboard after previewing and complicating navigation.

Expected Behaviour

Text input area should always allow to tap for moving the caret position

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Start writing a comment
  2. Let it's length exceed one line
  3. Input ** for creating a bold text

Additional Context

It seems to never happen when formatted text is on the first line of the input

IIRC, it sometimes requires to also input the paired **, but it may be not necessary

It was happening before 0.4.0 but I was too lazy to report, sorry ๐Ÿ˜…

App Version



Pixel 8 Pro


Android 14, build AP2A.240605.024

Completely forgot to add the reproduction video:


Thanks for the report!

I looked into this, and it seems like Flutter's spell checking is causing exceptions when you input ** characters. I'm not sure if there's any way to fix this except for waiting the fix upstream. For now, I can disable spell checking on the inputs.

Seems like this issue was already noted down upstream and there is a fix, but we have not yet upgraded to the Flutter version that contains that fix. See #1465 (comment) for reference.

By the way, I just wanted to chime in here and mention that you can use the markdown toolbar to make a word bold, rather than explicitly typing the **. That might help to mitigate this issue!

Yes, I also noticed after reporting that using format buttons helps, it's just that a habit of inputting text manually is too strong ๐Ÿ˜…

Thank you, will look forward to an update