
Is there a way to contribute monetarily to active Thunder developers?

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I.e. librepay, buymeacoffee or patreon, so we can contribute to the developers who donate their time and skills to develop Thunder. :)

Hey @Coehill, thanks for your interest! I do have my own links to donations, but I'm not too sure if any of the other contributors have them or are accepting them. I generally don't advertise this (aside from the main release posts on lemmy) since I don't want to pressure anyone into having to donate. 😅

However, I can take this chance to create a main thread for the other contributors to add in their links if they would like!

These are my personal links:

I'd like to invite @micahmo to add his if he has any as he has been killing it lately with all the PRs and help!

As always, we're just doing this on our own spare time and because we enjoy doing it regardless of donations (although they do help offset the costs for developer accounts on Google/Apple)!

Thanks! I have been using Thunder a ton lately and I really appreciate your work and the work and contributions to the online community of all open source developers. I just wanted to buy you folks a coffee as a way to say thanks. Take care.

Hey @Coehill, I'd just like to echo everything @hjiangsu said! We're truly doing this out of passion for developing something that we find interesting, and we're just glad that others find value in it as well! I'll add my link, but please never feel obligated to donate, and remember that @hjiangsu has actual costs for the developer accounts. 😊

(I might have to update my bio with all this Dart/Flutter experience. 😆)

At the risk of seeming shameless, as I'm not active atm but merely intending to get back to it eventually, I do have a ko-fi page as well.

I set it up on request when some players on my northstar game server wanted to help cover hosting costs, so it's not really related to my work on Thunder (yet), but you could use it to guilt trip me into putting in some work on Thunder, sooner.

That said, the actually active contributors deserve it more and you should only throw something my way if you want to see work happen on the same stuff I do, or as thanks for stuff I already did. (UI improvements, image/video viewer, post editing)

I'm not one to turn to for new features yet, though I am 100% in when it comes to the long term. I want to still be popping my head into Thunder years from now, putting in a contribution here or there and help keep it up to date. And even then it's not down to whether I get any money out of it, but because I'm all in on the fediverse, and Thunder is my client of choice. So only ever send me a buck out of generosity.