
Unable to import ThunderContext

Praneeht456 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi All,

I want to import ThunderContext inyo Pyspark. When I run this command from thunder import ThunderContext, I get the error ImportNameError. Iam using Ubuntu. Could you please help me out on how to resolve this error ?

I want to launch thunder shell. But not sure of how to run that. I install thunder library using pip. Please hep me out

Hi @Praneeht456, thanks for checking out Thunder!

We recently published a new version of Thunder (1.0) that has made some significant changes. One of those is that we decided drop the ThunderContext in favor of making Thunder look my like a regular Python package. If you did installed Thunder using pip, then you just need to start up PySpark and import thunder to get going.

I noticed in your Issue over on the docs repo that you mentioned you were playing around with the code from Advanced Data Analytics with Spark. All of that code was definitely based on a much earlier version of the project. For some up to date tutorials, checkout the "Tutorials" section on our recently updated docs page:

Hi @jwittenbach, thanks for your earliest response.

I now able to know the exact reason of not able to load the thunder context. Now, I will go through the commands in Tutorials section of Thunder project and will execute them.

Thank you very much brother.. cheerss