
Sometimes after restarting Thunderbird post-upgrade, emails list is empty

Porkepix opened this issue · 3 comments

  • Thunderbird version: 115.3.3
  • Thunderbird Conversation version: 4.1.3
  • Operating System: Linux

What did you do?

Upgrade Thunderbird with package manager and restart it to run the new version

What did you expect to happen?

Nothing, for it to work as usual

What actually happened?

Emails list was empty, as though I had no mails at all, but the left column had the right numbers.

This is the second time it happens, and restarting Thunderbird doesn't fix the issue. The only fix found is to disable thunderbird-conversations, restart TB without: no issue, then re-enable it and restart again TB: issue is gone.

Can you try it without Conversations enabled for a while? Also, do you have other add-ons installed?

Conversations doesn't currently attempt to alter anything relating to the message list, the only time it really kicks in is when a message is being selected. Hence I'd be surprised if this is Conversations causing it (not impossible, but strange).

When this happens try checking the Error Console (Tools -> Developer Tools -> Error Console) just after startup and see if there's any errors happening.

Can you try it without Conversations enabled for a while? Also, do you have other add-ons installed?

Try what? This is a on-time issue each time it happened, after I get it right once by disabling/re-enabling the addon, it's not doing it anymore. For now, it happened only twice, everytime after an upgrade.
I have a single other addon, installed not long ago, and definitely after the first time I saw this issue (just to get local calendars from GNOME env).

Conversations doesn't currently attempt to alter anything relating to the message list, the only time it really kicks in is when a message is being selected. Hence I'd be surprised if this is Conversations causing it (not impossible, but strange).

Then it'd be curious that both times it happened, I restarted several times TB without seeing a change, and both time the restart after disabling conversations it was fixed. But of course this could be a side-effect from something else.

When this happens try checking the Error Console (Tools -> Developer Tools -> Error Console) just after startup and see if there's any errors happening.

I'll try to remember checking this issue next time it happens, if there's one.

Given this was a one/two off just after upgrading Thunderbird, I'm going to close this out as there's not enough information to do anything, and I've not heard of other reports.

Pretty sure this wouldn't have been an issue with Conversations, but probably with Thunderbird itself. Disabling Conversations probably caused a cache or something to be cleared which was enough to get it working again.