
Questions for clean- and poison-data in poison_data directory

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hello again,

I have a few questions about the data under the ./poison_data/ directory and hope you could kindly assist:

  1. Would you please help me understand the columns in files such as train-clean.csv, test-poison.csv? The column names in those files are marked as 0, 1 and I wasn't able to find what they represent, some clarification would be appreciated.

  2. I'm trying to use my own poison data by uploading my train-/dev-/test-clean, and train-/dev-/test-poison data, and by setting load: true in the config file. However, I'm a bit confused by how the test-eval.csv and test-detect.csv were created in the 'eval' and 'detect' modes. would you please explain?

  3. Additionally, I thought the test-poison.csv file contained only poison test data, but then the test-poison.csv file seems to change and becomes larger during the experiment, even if I set load:true. What changes may have been made to this file in the process?

Thank you very much for your timely response!



I've figured it out, lol...
Closing the ticket now.
