
Foregeryb detection test

Closed this issue · 7 comments


I want to test this project but I do not know how to do it (I'm beginanate), you can help me please? I consulted the technical report but it is empty.

thanks in advance

What do you want to test? Please tell us more clearly so that we can help you!
Regarding the technical report, it is still there:

Yes I have access to this article. My question is, how can I test the code on my machine?

In the demo folder (, you can find jupyter files for testing. To run jupyter, you need to read this site:

I thank you for your answer. I have another question, I want to test an image that is in my database, in which folder should I put it????

For example, you run the file for testing, you can modify folder path in the "Initial procedure" to be compatible with your computer.

Thank you so much for your replay

Sorry to bother you but I have not found where load my image to test it, can you help me with more details, please?