
Experiments scripts for online trees with uncertainty

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Experiments scripts for online trees with uncertainty.

This is a collection of scripts that we used during our work on predictive intervals for online random forests.

It is meant to be used as a part of larger reproducibility repo, available here.

We describe each file separately.

Experiment automation

The are python scripts that automate the experiments.


Used to run the MOA experiments of the online conformal prediction and OnlineQRF methods. It requires access to a compiled JAR based on our fork of MOA that includes these classes.

The expected data format is arff. The argument help contains all the relevant options, check with python moa_experiments.py -h

Usage example:

python moa_experiments.py --moajar /path/to/moa.jar --input /path/to/data --meta OnlineQRF


Used to run the Mondrian Forest experiments using scikit-garden.

Usage: python skgarden_experiments.py --method mf --input path/to/data

As above, you can check the argument help to get all the relevant options.

The output is one csv file per dataset, per experiment repeat. Will also conditionally output one additional files per experiment: <name>.pred

This contains each individual prediction.

Makes use of evaluation_functions.py that contains skleaner-like evaluation functions adjusted for interval predictors.


This executable script is designed to call the two previous scripts in order to facilitate sweeping over algorithm parameters. Example usage:

./parameter_sweep.py --command "python moa_experiments.py  --moajar $MOA_JAR \
  --input /home/user/data/moa  --repeats 10 --window 1000 --njobs 4 \
  --learner-threads 1 --verbose 1" \
  --output-prefix /home/user/output/uncertain-trees/moa --sweep-argument meta\
  --argument-list OnlineQRF CPExact CPApproximate

The above will call the moa_experiments.py with the provided command, substituting the sweep-argument for each element of the argument-list. The output will be created under the prefix directory, creating a subdir for each parameter setting, in this case each method will have its own subdir:

ls /home/user/output/uncertain-trees/moa
# OnlineQRF OoBConformalApproximate OoBConformalRegressor

It's also possible to call with a range argument:

./parameter_sweep.py --command "python moa_experiments.py  --moajar $MOA_JAR \
  --input /home/user/data/moa  --repeats 10 --window 1000 --njobs 2 --meta CPApproximate \
  --learner-threads 2 --overwrite --verbose 1" --sweep-argument max-calibration-instances \
  --output-prefix /home/user/output/moa/onlinecp-max-cal-instances --argument-range 100 1001 100

The above will call the moa_experiments.py script, setting the --max-calibration-instances parameter to a value of 100-1000 with a step of 100.

Finally the script can do two levels of sweeps using --inner-sweep-parameter and --inner-argument-list or --inner-argument-range with the same syntax.

Generating output

The following scripts use the output of the experiment automation scripts to produce figures and TeX tables.


This script can take as input a directory that contains sub-directories, each corresponding to a method or parameter setting and produces TeX tables and figures if requested.

For example given the example run in parameter_sweep.py, we could run:

python generate_figures.py --input /home/user/experiment-output/uncertain-trees/moa \
  --output /home/user/figures/moa

This would create comparison figures and TeX tables under the output directory.


This script is used to generate post-hoc metrics for the methods, like Relative Interval Size and overall correctness. The syntax is the same as for generate_figures.py.

It does so by parsing the produced prediction files, selecting the correct parser to use based on the directory name. The default parser is for Mondrian Forests, we can use --force-moa to enforce MOA parsing (e.g. when parsing parameter sweeps where dirs have non-method names)


This script is used to generate computational metrics by taking the total runtime and model size for a method, and providing an aggregate table for all the experiments in the input directory.