
[Feature-request] Login page

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Authentication is basic and critical feature at the same time.
Implementing it will cause some changes in the Database (new fields in Users table), additional JSP page (Login Page) and some JavaBean logic.

In the terms of current feature request some basic user traceability could be implemented. For example, each task change (estimation, name) could be associated with specific user. This will guarantee non-repudiation.

Also this feature is on the todo list, but unfortunately I do not have the time.
The best thing would be a connection to a LDAP server like MS Active Directory and / or the user has the possibility to set a password by himself with all stuff like "forgot password", etc.

The tracking can be easily done using Envers which is also currently implemented for the burn down chart (see http://www.jboss.org/envers/).