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CISUC alive

Required data folder structure

├─ Events
│  ├─ EventA             # Folder name doesn't matter
│  │  ├─ info.txt        # This file is required
│  │  ├─ images          # A folder with one or more images is optional
│  │  │  ├─ img1.jpg
│  │  │  └─ img2.jpg
│  └─ EventB
│     └─ info.txt
├─ News
│  └─ ...                 # Same structure as /Events
├─ Pubs_Book_Chapter
│  ├─ PubA                # Folder name doesn't matter
│  │  ├─ info.txt         # This file is required
│  │  └─ foo.pdf          # A PDF file is required
│  └─ PubB
│     ├─ info.txt
│     └─ bar.pdf
├─ Pubs_Conference_Paper
│  └─ ...                 # Same structure as /Pubs_Chapter
├─ Pubs_Journal_Paper
│  └─ ...                 # Same structure as /Pubs_Chapter
└─ ...

Information file

Each content folder should contain inside a info.txt file with specific attributes.

Find below the attributes which are required or optional for each content category, as well as an example or template.


Required and optional attributes:

  • title (required)
  • authors (required)
  • year (required)
  • url (optional)

Example / template:

Evotype: Evolutionary Type Design

Tiago Martins, João Correia, Ernesto Costa, Penousal Machado




Required and optional attributes:

  • header (required)
  • when (optional)
  • description (optional)
  • url (optional)

Example / template:

1st LASI workshop on Smart Cities, Energy, and Mobility

29th May 23

The 1st LASI workshop on Smart Cities, Energy, and Mobility will take place on May 31st, in Room A.6.1 of the Department of Informatics Engineering, at 14h30.



Required and optional attributes:

  • header (required)
  • when (required)
  • where (required)
  • description (optional)
  • url (optional)

Example / template:

ALGO talks

12th Mar 21

Zoom room

On 12 March, Pedro Matias, PhD student in Theoretical Computer Science at University of California, Irvine, will give a talk entitled "How to Catch Marathon Cheaters: New Approximation Algorithms for Tracking Paths" in the following zoom link: http://bit.ly/ALGOtalksPedroMatias.

ALGO talks is a seminar series organized by the ALGorithms and Optimization Lab, Adaptive Computation Group, CISUC and University of Coimbra.



The Python script data_parser.py requires the following packages installed:

  • pdf2image
  • Pillow