
Primary Key: uuid

peco8 opened this issue · 2 comments

peco8 commented

I've been using json-api resource and want to move on to this library.

However I just wonder if I could use uuid instead of id for resource sometimes.

In json-api resource, we can do something like:

class ContactResource < JSONAPI::Resource
  attribute :id
  attributes :name_first, :name_last, :email, :twitter
  key_type :uuid

I wonder if I could do the same thing in jsonapi-utils.

As far as I can tell, this still uses JR's resources library, so that should be fine.

Yeah, @peco8, it should work normally. As @TrevorHinesley pointed, JU is just a layer over JR that provides a set of useful helpers (e.g. its renders and formatters) in order to ease the way JSON APIs are built on Rails.

Sorry for the delay in replying, I had a really busy day today. Anyway, feel free to come with other questions, I'll try to answer as soon as I can.