
[Feature Request] Auto associate a set of file with a specific tab when openning

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm looking for a way to define a condition to associate a set of file with a tab
For example, I would like when openning, each "*.test.ts" come into a specific tab.

It's best if I can provide a callback to define association policy during setup, something like the pseudo code

require("scope").setup {
   policy = function (file) 
       if (file.end_width(".test.ts")  then return 1 end 

Can't you do it with something like this?

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufAdd", {
    callback = function(args)
        if args.file:match ".*.test.ts" then
            vim.cmd.Bdelete() -- famiu/bufdelete.nvim

Can't you do it with something like this?

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufAdd", {
    callback = function(args)
        if args.file:match ".*.test.ts" then
            vim.cmd.Bdelete() -- famiu/bufdelete.nvim

Thanks for the answer.
I tried with your suggestion. Unfortunately, using this config, I encountered few problem.

  • my filetype plugin does not work (more accurately, the filetype for the new buffer is not set) .
  • the new opened file is not shown in my bufferline bufs list
  • previous opened test file are all closed (Open a.test.ts, then open b.test.ts, then only b.test.ts occured in my first tab)

I will try to figure out what is wrong this weekend.

Anyway, IMHO it's easier and cleaner if we can include the policy inside the plugin config, rather have to create a separate auto-command.

I thought there would be an easy fix like a PreAdd event. I will think about it. Feel free to open a PR if you have something in mind, like the policy strategy.

After testing, I found some points:

  • Problem with filetype can be resolved using BufNew event instead of BufAdd (Actually, there is no PreAdd event)
  • I openned bug #14 separately for detail of problem with bufferline bufs list.