
Question and/or bug: General use

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I have been going round and round with neovim buffers/windows/tabs for a while now, and finally came across scope.nvim, which still isn't acting how I am expecting. I just wanted to clarify that my expectations are sensible before I just move to "scoping via tmux" . . . I am wanting to know if the following description is what you (tiagovla) would understand to be a valid series of commands and the analogous outcomes:

  • Launch nvim, :e file1, :e file2, :tabnew, :e file3 :e file4.
  • :wa :qa (with "rmagatti/auto-session" installed)
  • Launch nvim (which will auto load session)
  • :ls in each tab should yield file1 and file2 in tab1, and file3 and file4 in tab2

If this is what you think should be happening, then is seems there is a bug, because it is not what I am actually seeing . . . If I am doing something wrong, I would be happy to know what it is.


Ok, so, after playing around with ScopeSaveState and ScopeLoadState, it seems that things do indeed work as expected . . . Sorry for the premature question.