
Update version of fastapi

lauraerinmann opened this issue · 2 comments

I noticed this image uses a version of fastapi from about a year ago:
Are there plans to the update the images version of fastapi? Thank yee.

Would love to see this refreshed. I'm using it still!

Thanks for the feedback and the patience. 😅

I updated it several times, so this was probably solved a while ago.

Now that Uvicorn supports managing workers with --workers, including restarting dead ones, there's no need for Gunicorn. That also means that it's much simpler to build a Docker image from scratch now, I updated the docs to explain it.

Because of that, I deprecated this Docker image: https://github.com/tiangolo/uvicorn-gunicorn-fastapi-docker#-warning-you-probably-dont-need-this-docker-image