
Action fails on ubuntu-jammy runner

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When using the action on a github runner with ubuntu-jammy (22.04) it fails with:


Error: Error: error:25066067:DSO support routines:dlfcn_load:could not load the shared library


    runs-on: ubuntu-jammy
          - name: Generate token from github app
            id: generate_token
            uses: tibdex/github-app-token@v1.7
              app_id: ${{ secrets.APP_ID }}
              private_key: ${{ secrets.APP_KEY }}


I'm also getting this error, when will the fix be merged?
Or is there any other workaround?

prein commented

@hamnis is there a way to use the action from your fork? I wanted to see if it fixes the issue for me

No idea if I need to tag as a release or not.

One way is to compile the action locally then adding the dist folder and the action.yaml to your own repo.
then you can run it like this:


Seems like this should be possible: https://stackoverflow.com/a/68286342

prein commented

Seems like this should be possible: https://stackoverflow.com/a/68286342

Thanks for looking it up for me. This way I tried first and it didn't work producing the following error

File not found: '/runner/_work/_actions/hamnis/github-app-token/upgrade-octocat-auth-app/dist/index.js'

I tried branch, sha, and local copy - it needs to be compiled like you said in your other reply.

@hamnis I tried with your reference, still same error.

it seems this is an issue with node 16 and openssl, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72104449/node-js-crypto-fails-to-sign-pem-key-string-from-file-with-error25066067dso-su fixe

      - name: Generate token
        id: generate_token
        uses: tibdex/github-app-token@v1.7.0
          OPENSSL_CONF: /dev/null

fixed it for me.

prein commented

@jazzlyn thanks for sharing! It worked for me too

@hamnis I got it to run with the action compiled locally, but got a different error

Error: secretOrPrivateKey must be an asymmetric key when using RS256
Sharing the code just for completeness
     - name: Get github-app-token action from forked repo
       uses: actions/checkout@v3
         repository: hamnis/github-app-token
         ref: upgrade-octocat-auth-app
         path: hamnis-github-app-token
     # Compile the action to be able to use it
     - uses: actions/setup-node@v3
         node-version: latest
     - name: Install Yarn
       run: npm install -g yarn
     - name: Install
       run: yarn install --frozen-lockfile
       working-directory: hamnis-github-app-token
     - name: Deduplicate dependencies
       run: yarn run yarn-deduplicate --fail --strategy fewer
       working-directory: hamnis-github-app-token
     - name: Build
       run: yarn run build
       working-directory: hamnis-github-app-token
     - name: Format
       run: yarn run prettier --check
       working-directory: hamnis-github-app-token
     - name: Lint
       run: yarn run xo
       working-directory: hamnis-github-app-token
     # action should now be compiled, we can use it like this:
     - name: Generate app token
       id: generate_token
       uses: ./hamnis-github-app-token
         app_id: ${{ inputs.gh_app_id }}
         private_key: ${{ inputs.gh_app_private_key }}

Can you please check if the issue still occurs with the latest version (1.8.0)?

I've tested the v1.8. Now I'm facing this error when using the key which is created from the private keys section of the github app.

Error: Error: secretOrPrivateKey must be an asymmetric key when using RS256

Running v1.8 on ubuntu-20.04 however works fine.

Seems to work for us on ubuntu-latest / ubuntu-jammy. Runner image version 20230219.1

kosdp commented

Just wanted to note here that as mentioned above adding below to generate_token step fixes the issue with secretOrPrivateKey must be an asymmetric key when using RS256. Works for me on both 1.7.0 and 1.8.0 version with this workaround.

          OPENSSL_CONF: /dev/null

I'm still getting this error

Error: Error: secretOrPrivateKey must be an asymmetric key when using RS256

i tried all fixes mentioned here, but it still doesn't work. (with ubuntu-20.04 and ubuntu-latest)

i added this, in my steps

- name: Generate Org. level Access token
        id: generate_token
        uses: tibdex/github-app-token@v1.8.0
          app_id: ${{ secrets.INTERNAL_APP_ID }}
          private_key: ${{ secrets.INTERNAL_APP_PRIVATE_KEY }}
            OPENSSL_CONF: /dev/null

just for completeness,
github gives me a private key in this form SHA256:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I'm still getting this error

Error: Error: secretOrPrivateKey must be an asymmetric key when using RS256

i tried all fixes mentioned here, but it still doesn't work. (with ubuntu-20.04 and ubuntu-latest)


just for completeness, github gives me a private key in this form SHA256:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I faced it as well, then I realized that that value that you see above, is a hash shown on GitHub application page, rather than the key itself. The actual key is downloaded by your browser when you press "Generate private key" on GitHub App settings page (that's a file that ends with .private-key.pem). Using that file as the key makes it work as expected.

tibdex commented

Can someone check if the issue still occurs with the latest version (2.0.0)?

@tibdex i also having these issues and tested different versions. Just getting more detailed error messages:

