
Widgets side by side in tablet view

beyaban opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, is it possible to display two widgets side by side in tablet view?

Expected behaviour:


Current behaviour:


my config:
gridType: GridType.Fixed,
displayGrid: DisplayGrid.None,
setGridSize: true,
fixedColWidth: 332,
fixedRowHeight: 267,
margin: 24,
outerMargin: false,
minCols: 4,
maxCols: 6,
minRows: 3,
maxRows: 9,
mobileBreakpoint: 768,
keepFixedHeightInMobile: true,
keepFixedWidthInMobile: true,

@beyaban It is due to mobileBreakpoint: 768. If you dont want all the items to show vertically then set mobileBreakpoint: 0.