
Switch to java.time instead of Joda Datetime

ticofab opened this issue · 3 comments

It is about time we use the native Java implementation for date & time.

The library (1.1.2) still not parse the <desc> (description) field from waypoint!
Can you please add it in the next version?
thanks in advance.

// part from real gpx file. <wpt lat="48.859730" lon=" 2.351660"> <time>2015-09-14T06:54:35Z</time> <name>-=1=-</name> <ele>150</ele> <desc>A text description of the element. Holds additional information about the element intended for the user, not the GPS.</desc> </wpt>

Closing this issue - as long as we stay with API < 26, java.time (specifically the ISO_INSTANT formatter that we need) is not supported.

@frogboiled , the desc field is parsed in version 1.2.0 !