
P1-[4.0 bug hunting]-[Dashboard]-Missing disk info in Cluster Diagnose Report

Opened this issue · 7 comments

YKG commented

1. What did you do?

  • deploy a cluster on Tencent Cloud with tiup cluster
  • visit dashboard -- cluster diagnose
  • start a diagnose job
  • view full report
  • check Cluster Hardware table

2. What did you expect to see?

The DISK(GB) column should be filled with the disk capacity of each host.

3. What did you see instead?

The column is empty


4. What version of TiDB are you using? (tidb-server -V or run select tidb_version(); on TiDB)


YKG commented

I didn't dig much, but this SQL is not enough because on Tencent Cloud, the device_name is vda1


Another thing is it seems like there is no TiKV disk info in the CLUSTER_HARDWARE table

/bug P1

YKG commented

@shuke987 May I get another bug P1 point for

Another thing is it seems like there is no TiKV disk info in the CLUSTER_HARDWARE table

@shuke987 May I get another bug P1 point for

Another thing is it seems like there is no TiKV disk info in the CLUSTER_HARDWARE table

The bug hunting project finished at May 30th. Thank you

YKG commented

@shuke987 I know that, but I reported 6 days ago and you can check the comment time.

Screenshot from 2020-06-02 17-49-22

ok, you may open another issue to report this bug.