
Titanium.UI.currentTab/currentWindow is null ?

avastou opened this issue · 4 comments


I use this code, like in kitchen Kit :

//-- controller/index.js

var tabGroup = Titanium.UI.createTabGroup();

//Create tab for root
var MenuTab = Titanium.UI.createTab({  


// open tab group with a transition animation
    transition: Titanium.UI.iPhone && Titanium.UI.iPhone.AnimationStyle.FLIP_FROM_LEFT

and in my controller/showcontact.js

$.t.addEventListener('click', function(e)
    console.log('click'); //return click
       console.log(Titanium.UI.currentTab); //return NULL
      console.log(Titanium.UI.currentWindow); //return NULL


my contactsListWin.xml :

<Window class='container' id='contactsListWin'>
        <Label id="t">Middle</Label>

Titanium.UI.currentTab & Titanium.UI.currentWindow return null, and i don't understand why...

This is mentioned in #29 as well. We are putting this issue into our issue list and will address in the near future.

Ok, thank for kind reply.
you have a temporary solution, maybe with a eventHandler (focus?) ?

I don't have a temporary fix for you quite yet, but one thing to note is that you can construct a tabgroup and tabs in the markup, you don't need to do it in code.

            <!-- the rest of your views -->

Take a look here for a full, basic sample: https://github.com/appcelerator/alloy/tree/master/test/apps/tabgroup

Ti.UI.currentTab and Ti.UI.currentWindow are always null in single context applications. There is an associated ticket that briefly mentions this:


also, to see in exhaustive detail exactly how you can manage tabs in a single context application, check out this blog post, which not only covers the topic, but has a full screencast detailing the techniques:
