
iOS: Child view click events are not fired, if eventlistener is not attached at creation time

jonasfunk opened this issue · 0 comments

I have searched and made sure there are no existing issues for the issue I am filing

  • I have searched the existing issues


Attaching a click eventlistener with a delay to a parent view will only register events on its direct children.
Setting the extendSafeArea on window will mess things even more up. Then no events are fired.

Expected Behavior

Attaching a click eventlistener with a delay to a parent view should register events on all its children and subchildren.

Actual behavior

Attaching a click eventlistener with a delay to a parent view will only register events on its direct children.

Reproducible sample

//Will only trigger events on direct children. 
setTimeout(() =>
	$.window.addEventListener('click', onClick);
}, 10);

//Will trigger event on children its subChildren
//$.window.addEventListener('click', onClick);

function onClick(e)
	console.debug("Click from eventlistener", e.source.id);


	<Window id="window">
		<View id="view1" height="200" width="200" backgroundColor="red">
			<View id="subview" height="100" width="100" backgroundColor="yellow"/>

Steps to reproduce

Run the code and try clicking on the yellow square. No event is registered.



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