
Websocket Server?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

nkev commented

Would this library a good use case for a websocket server, like https://github.com/gobwas/ws ?

Yes. I think Evio would be perfect as a websocket server.

I'm closing this issue for now, but please feel free to reopen if needed.


Hi I tried to use Evio for websocket. but I stopped. because there are two problems.

  1. Read
  • websocket read should be done by their libaray. messages should be separated by websocket protocol. but Evio looks like just read all.
  • what about adding like this "events.DataEvent(c Conn)" so user can read using websocket library.
  1. Write
  • write can be divided actually write to buffer and flush them. so user can reduce system call. but Evio seems calling every write.
  • what about just using channel to write for a client? instead of waking..