
number of trees and case when statements

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Thanks for developing this package. Maybe I'm missing a nuance, but shouldn't the tidypredict_sql on ranger generate a sql statement with a case_when statement for every tree followed by an aggregation function that averages the predictions of individual trees?

In the example below, I'm training a model with 100 trees.

model <- ranger::ranger(Species ~ .,data = iris ,num.trees = 100)
tidypredict_sql(model, dbplyr::simulate_mssql())

The output does not represent the structure of those 100 trees though.

WHEN ((`Petal.Width` < 0.75)) THEN ('setosa')
WHEN ((`Petal.Length` >= 5.05 AND `Petal.Width` >= 0.75 AND `Petal.Width` < 1.75)) THEN ('virginica')
WHEN ((`Petal.Width` >= 1.75 AND `Petal.Width` >= 0.75 AND `Petal.Length` < 4.9)) THEN ('virginica')
WHEN ((`Petal.Length` >= 4.9 AND `Petal.Width` >= 1.75 AND `Petal.Width` >= 0.75)) THEN ('virginica')
WHEN ((`Petal.Width` >= 0.75 AND `Sepal.Length` < 4.95 AND `Petal.Length` < 5.05 AND `Petal.Width` < 1.75)) THEN ('virginica')
WHEN ((`Sepal.Length` >= 4.95 AND `Petal.Width` >= 0.75 AND `Petal.Length` < 4.95 AND `Petal.Length` < 5.05 AND `Petal.Width` < 1.75)) THEN ('versicolor')
WHEN ((`Petal.Length` >= 4.95 AND `Sepal.Length` >= 4.95 AND `Petal.Width` >= 0.75 AND `Sepal.Length` < 6.35 AND `Petal.Length` < 5.05 AND `Petal.Width` < 1.75)) THEN ('virginica')
WHEN ((`Sepal.Length` >= 6.35 AND `Petal.Length` >= 4.95 AND `Sepal.Length` >= 4.95 AND `Petal.Width` >= 0.75 AND `Petal.Length` < 5.05 AND `Petal.Width` < 1.75)) THEN ('versicolor')

Hi, I'm using ranger::treeInfo() to obtain all of the paths. Not sure if there's anywhere else to look for more paths within the ranger object.

I have a helper function called tidypredict_test() and it seems that only one prediction is different than in tidypredict than from the native ranger predict() method:

model <- ranger::ranger(Species ~ .,data = iris ,num.trees = 100)
#>    nodeID leftChild rightChild splitvarID splitvarName splitval terminal
#> 1       0         1          2          3 Petal.Length     2.60    FALSE
#> 2       1        NA         NA         NA         <NA>       NA     TRUE
#> 3       2         3          4          4  Petal.Width     1.65    FALSE
#> 4       3         5          6          2  Sepal.Width     2.25    FALSE
#> 5       4         7          8          1 Sepal.Length     5.95    FALSE
#> 6       5         9         10          3 Petal.Length     4.75    FALSE
#> 7       6        11         12          3 Petal.Length     5.35    FALSE
#> 8       7        13         14          2  Sepal.Width     3.00    FALSE
#> 9       8        NA         NA         NA         <NA>       NA     TRUE
#> 10      9        NA         NA         NA         <NA>       NA     TRUE
#> 11     10        NA         NA         NA         <NA>       NA     TRUE
#> 12     11        NA         NA         NA         <NA>       NA     TRUE
#> 13     12        NA         NA         NA         <NA>       NA     TRUE
#> 14     13        NA         NA         NA         <NA>       NA     TRUE
#> 15     14        NA         NA         NA         <NA>       NA     TRUE
#>    prediction
#> 1        <NA>
#> 2      setosa
#> 3        <NA>
#> 4        <NA>
#> 5        <NA>
#> 6        <NA>
#> 7        <NA>
#> 8        <NA>
#> 9   virginica
#> 10 versicolor
#> 11  virginica
#> 12 versicolor
#> 13  virginica
#> 14  virginica
#> 15 versicolor

Created on 2018-09-18 by the reprex package (v0.2.0).

Our split values don't match cause I guess the seeds don't match, it looks like ranger uses it.

I see what is happening. The ranger::treeInfo() has a default of using the first tree e.g.(ranger::treeInfo(model, tree=1). In other words, your generated sql is only for the first tree in the forest.

Ah! Great catch, I'll work on a fix.

Also, @stasSajin , thanks for looking into this!

Hi @stasSajin , I have a good first draft of the solution in this branch: https://github.com/edgararuiz/tidypredict/tree/earth-fixes

It should work for categorical and continuous outcomes. The tidypredict_sql() and tidypredict_fit() will return a list with as many items as there are trees. The key is using tidypredict_to_column(), that function will now create a new query for each tree. It then groups it and either uses the average (continuous), or the one answer that was the most prevalent (categorical)

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