
Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) when uploading to googledrive in Rstudio

elebel73837 opened this issue · 0 comments

When I try to iteratively upload a set of .html files to googledrive using drive_put, occasionally the process stalls. If I let it sit long enough, I receive this error:

Error in drive_upload(): ! Client error: (408) Request Timeout ✖️ Expected content type application/json, not text/html. ℹ️ See /var/folders/nw/mpnk6mg159vbrtzsg4rbh3p80000gn/T//RtmpAYARFR/gargle-unexpected-html-error-40106f7314bc.html for the html error content. ℹ️ Or execute browseURL(“/var/folders/nw/mpnk6mg159vbrtzsg4rbh3p80000gn/T//RtmpAYARFR/gargle-unexpected-html-error-40106f7314bc.html”) to view it in your browser. Backtrace: 1. googledrive::drive_put(...) 2. googledrive::drive_upload(...)

And if I stop the process before the timeout, I receive this error:

Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) :
Operation was aborted by an application callback

Interestingly, it's not consistent which file if fails on; repeating the process usually results in a fail on a different file.

Thank you for your help.