
undefined symbol: libiconv while importing readxl

RPUTHUMA opened this issue · 1 comments

I have created a R model using Readxl and haven package and have pickled the model using saveRDS function. Now when i try to load the model using readRDS the package import for readxl and haven packages fail
i am using importr and trying to load the readxl package

To Reproduce

Run the below command in python terminal

packages.append({"name": "readxl", "version": "1.3.1"})
p_list = [package["name"] for package in packages]
import rpy2.robjects.packages as rpackages
for package in p_list: rpackages.importr(package, on_conflict="warn")

Expected behavior
it should be able to load the package without any issue

unable to load shared object '/opt/miniconda/lib/R/library/readxl/libs/readxl.so':
/opt/miniconda/lib/R/library/readxl/libs/readxl.so: undefined symbol: libiconv
Calls: -> loadNamespace -> library.dynam -> dyn.load

This will need to become a minimal, clean example using readxl, installed from CRAN or this repo, before I can consider evaluating it.

Chances are this is a problem caused by the use of miniconda, which would out of scope here.