
Consider eventually uploading to https://github.com/wlandau/drake-examples

Opened this issue · 2 comments

That way, once I merge ropensci/drake#491, users will be able to download the project with drake_example("drakepkg"), and it will show up in drake_examples(). Ref: ropensci/drake#490.

The drake-examples repo definitely seems like the right place for this to live.

Once I've had time to work through your suggested revisions I will begin the transfer. BTW -- how does one upload a repo to another repo?

Glad you think so too.

git submodules are one way to manage nested projects, but not always the recommended solution. I think the standard fork and pull model may be enough.

Communication will be key for the drake-examples repo because (hopefully) code will arrive from a variety of owners. Feel free to include your own CONTRIBUTING.md file to state your preferences: for example, that all changes come through as pull requests reviewed by you.