Templates should just be part of the compiled binary, ideally.
morrowc opened this issue · 6 comments
Having the templates read at run-time means that the current working directory when launching the binary
must have a `./templates/...' with the appropriate content included. If this isn't the case you get:
$ /usr/local/bin/dmarc-report-converter -config /etc/dmarc-reporting/config.yaml
panic: open ./templates/html_static.gotmpl: no such file or directory
goroutine 1 [running]:
main.loadTemplate(0x8c1c680, 0x1e, 0xc)
/usr/local/bin/config.go:63 +0xf6
main.loadConfig(0xbff2ec2a, 0x43, 0x2, 0x3, 0x0)
/usr/local/bin/config.go:90 +0x11c
/usr/local/bin/main.go:30 +0x159
how about discussion-over-code-review? :)
@morrowc Thank you for your idea and PR! Sorry for late answer.
I see that searching templates in current working directory is a bad idea.
Your way has many advantages for end user:
- it's much more reliable
- it's easier to install, you don't have to prepare templates directory
And one disadvantage:
- It's harder to change templates, you have to recompile binary for that (although I haven't changed templates for a long time, I think it is convenient feature to use for development at least).
Maybe we can keep your changes and add another output format for using external template file? What do you think? Something like this:
format: "external_template"
external_template: "/path/to/file.gotmpl"
howdy! no worries on the delays...
I think there are 2 things going on:
- an assumption about directory for deployment/runtime
- a normal form/style change to include the template content at compile time instead of rationalizing how to do 1 better.
You mention: "easier for development", which seems specious to me, since unless you included a ton of random/extra data in the template data struct, you'd always have to reompile to get data included and output that in the template(s) output?
(unless you mean just changing the free-text... which seems like a fairly light load of trade-off to me).
unless you mean just changing the free-text
Yes, I meant this. For me, data struct is almost static and isn't changed a lot. But html or txt templates can be changed a lot during development process or even in production usage. I don't know, maybe someone already uses self-written custom templates. That's why I would like to keep ability to use external template via another output format.
Anyway, your PR is good, I'm going to merge it soon.
ah! ok, I see your usecase now. If you merge this and send me an issue I'll put in a pr that we can discuss?
I merged your PR and added external_template output format. Thanks!
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