
Express.js based API for a messaging app.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Plugged API

Plugged is a RESTful API for a messaging app.

Not released yet but under active development.

The Plugged API is organized around REST. The API uses HTTP response codes to indicate API responses and errors. JSON will be returned in all responses from the API, including errors.

To make the Plugged API more accessible we provide a test API-KEY.

HTTP Status Code Summary

  • 200 OK - Everything worked as expected.
  • 400 Bad Request - Often missing a required parameter.
  • 401 Unauthorized - No valid API key provided.
  • 402 Request Failed - Parameters were valid but request failed.
  • 404 Not Found - The requested item doesn't exist.
  • 500, 502, 503, 504 Server errors. Somethine occured our server end.


Download the .zip of the project and extract it.

Go to the directory via your terminal of choice and run -

sudo npm install

This will install all the required modules of the service.

I assume you have npm (Node Package Manager) installed. If you don't then you just need to install Node.js and npm comes with it.

After the modules are installed make sure node_modules directory is created in your current dir.

The last step is to run the server -


This will start the server on your localhost at port number 3000.


You're all set.

API Reference

Verify a phone number.

POST  https://plugged-api.herokuapp.com/verify/phone

	Content-Type: application/json

  phone: your_phone_number

After requesting to verify your phone number you will get a pin as a text message. Once you have the pin, you can use the following endpoint to finish your phone number verification.

Verify the pin.

POST  https://plugged-api.herokuapp.com/verify/pin

	Content-Type: application/json

  phone: your_phone_number,
  pin: your_pin

Please keep in mind that pins are valid only for 30 min.

Socket.IO channels.

We have a short WebSocket channel open via socket.io. It listens on the channel called 'message'.

This is how the server code looks like at our side.

io.on('connection', function(socket){
  console.log('a user connected via WebSocket.');

  socket.on('message', function(msg){
    console.log('message: ' + msg);
    socket.emit('reply', 'This is a message via socket.io server. Yaaay.');

You can easily implement a client that talks to our server. An example client code is below.

  var socket = io.connect("https://plugged-api.herokuapp.com");

    socket.emit('message', { my: 'hello world' });

    socket.on('reply', function(msg){

In Development...


All tests are implemented using Mocha framework.

To run all the test simply run


on the terminal.


